Sunday, April 18, 2010

A little sunshine in my life

We have been enjoying some BEAUTIFUL weather lately.

It has been so refreshing to feel the sunshine warming my face and soul.

It has also been wonderful to have the windows open.

The breeze blowing in has been a breath of fresh air (no pun intended).

I recently had a little more sunshine in my life from this beautiful gift...

The same day I confessed the darkness in my life here, my loving neighbor brought a beautiful bouquet of flowers over and a card filled with words that moved me to tears.

She just wanted me to know she was thinking of me.

I was not only moved to tears by her kind words and thoughtful gift, but by the peace that filled my spirit when I saw it. I had prayed earlier that day for God to give me one little sign.

One sign so that I could know that I was doing what He desired.

(I was thinking more in terms of two toddlers obeying and listening for just one hour)

I also received a phone call and a text from both my sisters that brightened my soul too.

A few spontaneous date nights with my hubby have also done a tremendous job clearing out the darkness that has been haunting me.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't still struggling.

I am working on changing that though and trying to be patient.

I have also been trying to enjoy the moments with my kiddos even if they are less then ideal.

It hasn't been easy.

Trying to find joy while your toddler is screaming at you in Target for not buying him a toy he wanted is not easy.

Trying to find joy when he is so loud that 3 people who are in completely different areas of the store find out you are there because they hear his tantrum...not easy.

However, the sweet sound of "I love you mommy!" sure helps.

While I wait for the clouds to roll by

I am praying for more sunshine in my life.

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