Sunday, December 7, 2008

Beautiful Snow and a Tree

I left work this morning and was in awe of God's beauty and gift of snow as I drove home.  It was dark still, quiet, and there was beautiful fluffy white flakes falling everywhere.  The snow was still pure white and there were hardly any tracks.  It was mesmerizing as I drove and almost looked fake it was so beautiful. We have had hardly any snow yet this year and I have been laughing as I hear from friends down in Iowa who have been shoveling for a few weeks now. How ironic, we move up North and don't get snow until December! 

I dropped my stuff off and quickly grabbed the camera to catch our home with the Christmas lights and beautiful snow!  

This evening we went to get a Christmas tree.  We were hoping to go to a tree farm and cut our own down (which is a fun tradition in our home), but they closed at 4pm and we were expecting them open until 5pm so we settled for a real one inside the nursery at All Seasons.  It is beautiful and smells wonderful.  Hopefully we can decorate it tomorrow night before I head to work!  For now it is warming up and adjusting to life inside.  We name our tree every year and I am thinking of a good one for this year.  Our first tree was "Evie" the Evergreen and this one is a Scotch...hmm....maybe Sophie?  Elijah wanted it to be a girl tree. Not sure why, but oh well. 

1 comment:

Prachar family said...

pretty tree! I never heard of naming the tree. Adorable! I don't know when we will get around to decorating for Christmas. It seems more iminent since I went to visit in Iowa, but being back makes it not real again!