Thursday, October 15, 2009


...the littlest Dafoe. Our ultrasound went well and the tech kept commenting on how our little one was moving around so much and didn't believe that I hadn't had any caffeine that morning! I am a little concerned by this, I am frightened this baby will give us a run for our money.

The ultrasound tech was so sweet and went in to great detail for this little one's nervous NICU nurse mommy! I heard music to my ears like "beautiful cerebellum" and "beautiful 4 chamber heart". Richard found this entertaining to say the least. Our "stubborn" child who refused to hold still for more than a few seconds and allow the tech to get the pictures she needed showed their true colors. It did allow for more viewing pleasure for Richard and I though!

We didn't find out what we are having and decided to wait and be surprised! Sorry to all who wanted to know! The baby was measuring a whole week ahead, which is also a little concerning to me! Now, I really don't want to go over my due date at all! I guess this little one will probably follow in his or her big brother's footsteps and be off the charts for height as well!

Pretty cute huh?

The ultrasound tech was impressed by our "big footed" child.

I am so in love with this little person! Can't wait to snuggle with you little one!

After the ultrasound and my appointment, I sat in my car and praised the Lord for our beautiful child and cried tears of joy for the perfect little person God created!


jamie said...

hey! yeah congrats! my kids always measure ahead too. remember that they can be off just so slightly on their measurements and that can change everything. they thought abigail was over 8lbs and she was just 7lbs.. so no worries JOB 42.2

Prachar family said...

So glad you got great news! Wow, the next 20 weeks is going to drag in anticipation of finding out what you're having!!

Cindy and company said...

Yea God!!! Praising Him along with you for the perfect little one He has given you! Can't believe you got to take care of Caleb the other night! Small world.